Our Story

From an Idea to Reality…

At the helm of the Latino Build Show is David Parraguirre, an entrepreneur, mentor, and representative for the Latino community. Born in Veracruz, Mexico, David's journey to the United States started at the age of 14 and after years of experience working for a few companies as a home builder, David would go on to lead his own team of builders.

As the owner and founder of Pro Builder Solutions, a distinguished custom home-building and remodeling company, David has not only built structures that stand as testaments to his skill but has also emerged as The Mexican Carpenter—a prominent figure in social media. His mission goes beyond bricks and mortar; it extends to education, empowerment, and transforming perceptions.

David's personal and professional trajectory, from honing his craft with various companies to leading his team of builders, showcases a commitment to excellence that transcends physical labor. His achievements underscore the potential within the Latino community to not only contribute physically but also to establish and lead businesses.

The Latino Builder Show, conceived by David, is a testament to his vision of breaking stereotypes and empowering the community. It is a call to action, an event designed to educate and inspire, encouraging individuals to see themselves not just as laborers but as architects of their destinies.

Join us on this transformative journey at the Latino Build Show, where David's background, expertise, and passion converge to create an event that goes beyond construction—it's about building dreams, empowering futures, and rewriting the narrative for the Latino community.